Jennifer Oakland »

baby love

I haven’t posted much (at all) lately. Basically, I was pregnant and now have a new baby. There… that’s it… as if nothing has changed at all. But believe me, it has, hence not having the two minutes to post anything here for MONTHS.  His name is Björn.  He was born on May 23rd at 3:04am and was 7 lbs 13oz at birth (a fast and furious VBAC birth, that is) and is now, at two weeks of age, a whopping 9 lbs 2 oz.  The pediatric nurse said my milk + him = a “good team.”  I am happy. Beaming. Glowing in my own love affair with this little person who exudes so much promise, so much to offer in this world. He looks JUST LIKE Finley when she was a newborn, albeit lighter colored hair and missing the dark brows that she had. Will he have the same thick blonde curls as Finley?  Will he have a similar outgoing, generous, sweet personality?  It all remains to be played out in this beautiful, magical world of time and life.  Until then, I will just melt into my current world of newborn lusciousness: loving newborn floppy-body cuddles, sweet and gentle head strokes, long gazes, and plenty of kisses.